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Ouverture lac de montagne
Dans quel lac de montagne irez-vous pêcher pour l'ouverture?
14.12%86 (14.12%)
3.12%19 (3.12%)
3.78%23 (3.78%)
3.61%22 (3.61%)
3.45%21 (3.45%)
3.12%19 (3.12%)
4.11%25 (4.11%)
2.13%13 (2.13%)
1.31%8 (1.31%)
7.72%47 (7.72%)
7.55%46 (7.55%)
45.98%280 (45.98%)
Sondage bas de ligne
Quel diamètre de bas de ligne utilisez-vous couramment?
1.74%10 (1.74%)
13.39%77 (13.39%)
13.04%75 (13.04%)
21.04%121 (21.04%)
8.52%49 (8.52%)
5.91%34 (5.91%)
36.35%209 (36.35%)
«Février 2025»

Les deux torrents du Mont

Les deux torrents du Mont aboutissant au canal de Sarvaz-Gru
German a écrit :
26/05/2012 08:30
It is also worth remembering that gleaicrs are not static objects but are dynamic and ever changing. Some people seem to think a glacier is just a block of ice that will never change unless it melts away in global warming . Glacial persistance relies on ice replenishment way more than temperature. History shows us the most gleaicrs retreated many times further during the 1800 s than in the last 100 years. All it really takes to be amazed at the glacier retreat during the last 40 years, is complete ignorance of the historical record. Glacier bay in Alaska is a prime example of this.
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